Welcome new members
Welcome to the Academy Performing Arts Members pages.
We are thrilled you are joining us. Please take a few minutes to look through this section to ensure you are set up correctly to receive all information regarding APA.
Firstly, please ensure you go to our policy page and read our terms and conditions and all other relevant rules, regulations and policies.
Policies, Rules/Regs & T&C's
Website Member
Please can all students and their parents if under 17yrs old, take a few minutes to Sign-up as members of the website. The site is used for resources, information and of communication with our members and parents.
There are private members pages allocated to each class where we post information, scripts, videos, harmony lines and much much more. It's also a place parents can swap costume ideas, arrange lifts etc. We hope we are able to create a friendly and fun APA Community from this space. Please sign using the link below or the log in icon in the menu bar.
Spaces (Wix App)
To make everything easier for us all, WIX who host our website also have an App that can be downloaded from the
App store.
This means all our students and their parents can have one place to to communicate and see everything 'Academy Performing Arts' without having to go to the website in your browser. It also means the app is only accessible to our members you will only be able access the pages relevant
to you! ​
Please download the App here

Students / Parent Members
Joining APA School
To join the school you may have enrolled/booked through our ClassManager Portal. This is the software Academy Arts uses for invoicing, payments and some communication. Please log in and set up your account fully ensuring all relevant contact information is on your account including your childs full details.
To pay invoices, change your details and information you will need to log into your portal via:
Parent Portal App

Classmanager not only have a web based portal but they also have an IOS & Android APP should you wish to download it to your phone or device.
You can check class times, access your invoices, see your statements and find any emails that have been sent through the classmanager system. Unfortunately you cannot pay your invoices via the app and will have to login to your parent portal via the web to do so.
Uniform is compulsory for Academy Performing Arts Classes.
You can purchase our uniform directly from our uniform page via the Members Tab on the menu bar above. Some items can be bought from other retailers. Until you have purchased your uniform please wear all black to class. For more information on uniform requirements please click the link on the menu to access the shop.