Due to BMAT who run Epping St Johns informing us that we will not be able to hire Epping St Johns for the foreseeable future we have had to make the difficult decision to move the Saturday school to another venue. We had hoped to stay in the immediate area but unfortunately there are no venues with the amount of space we need to run our classes. Even in the event that ESJ did get back to us to say we could hire from them again, unfortunately due to the governments Covid-19 safety guidance we would not be able to afford to hire more of their rooms to adhere to the bubbles required, due to the cost of their room hire. We have however been very lucky that another theatre school have moved location freeing up a venue that we all adore....Zinc Arts!!! It is a wonderful space with fantastic, friendly staff AND (and this is the icing on the cake) it's a Studio Theatre. What an unexpected but amazing turn of events. The virus outbreak and the ensuing recession are taking its toll on everyone and we are really struggling to stay afloat but we will prevail. So let's get the word out there about our fabulous classes and start building the school up again. Academy Arts weathered the last recession in 2008/9 where we went from 120 students to 30!!! We can do it again, I know we can. Thanks to all of those that have moved with us. It'll be worth it I promise!
